In the Primary Years, Northholm Grammar seeks to develop the whole student by nurturing both the scholarship and wellbeing of each individual. We seek to develop 21st century learners who are independent, critical and curious about their ever-changing world and who challenge themselves to achieve their personal best.
Within the Key Learning Areas, a fundamental focus on literacy and numeracy development forms the foundation of learning during the Primary Years. The classroom teacher is responsible for the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, and Human Society and its Environment. They are supported by specialist teachers in other subjects including Sports, Art, Music, Drama and Enrichment programs.
In collaboration with Secondary students, co-curricular opportunities help students find areas of personal passion and talent with popular and engaging activities, as well as academic enrichment opportunities across a broad range of areas such as dance, cooking, pottery, debating, STEM and robotics projects, Drama production and various sporting activities taught by specialist coaches.
Following on from the focus on fundamentals in the Early Years, students in Years 3 and 4 begin to move towards more abstract thinking to develop more fluid and effective ways of learning. Students continue to engage and build upon literacy and numeracy skills through activities that broadens their understanding and challenges their thinking on a daily basis.
Teachers lead students to question, analyse and problem solve in a variety of situations, applying their knowledge both within and outside the classroom. They become comfortable with more formalised instruction, assessment and the use of technology in readiness for Years 5 and 6.
Year 5 and 6 students at Northholm enjoy a learning journey that prepares them for effective transition towards the Secondary School by developing the necessary skills and strategies. They are encouraged towards autonomy, taking responsibility for their own learning, enabling their personal growth. Recognising the importance of information technology skills in modern education, Years 5 and 6 students participate in the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program.
Leadership is a key dimension of a Northholm education as there are various opportunities for students to begin the peer leadership experience with Primary School Captains, House Captains and Agriculture Captains. In accepting responsibility for organising activities, managing House points and monitoring the wellbeing of animals, students develop responsibility, resilience and skills to be confident and astute members of society.
Students in Years 5 and 6 are also offered off-campus opportunities and excursions to represent the School and develop a deeper understanding of learning in context. These experiences offer students’ the ability to develop relationships with their peers whilst engaging in purposeful learning opportunities within the broader community.
We utilise our unique environment to encourage outdoor learning in the natural bushland grounds through engaging with animals, bushland sporting facilities, various outdoor play areas and learning amongst nature. A Sensory Garden promotes sensory development in younger learners and greater awareness of the natural world.
Students have access to a large open field and Gymnasium area for Sport, Design and Technology equipment, Science laboratories, arts spaces, agricultural areas and sporting facilities to utilise skills learned within the classroom in other engaging learning environments.
After School Care is available for Kindergarten to Year 6 students.