How to Enrol

Northholm Grammar is an independent, non-selective, co-educational school for Kindergarten to Year 12. We are a school with inclusive Christian values, welcoming families of all faiths and cultural backgrounds.

Our Enrolments team are here to support you on your admissions journey and guide you through the enrolment process.

When to enrol

Our major year level entry points are Kindergarten, Year 5 and Year 7; however we accept enrolments across all year groups subject to positions being available. We invite enquiries all year-round, including students transitioning during the year.

To place your child on the waitlist, we recommend families submit an enrolment application as early as possible (up to seven years prior to the intended year of entry). For enquiries on availability for the new academic year across the various entry points, we welcome you to submit an online enquiry on the link below.

We understand that visiting our campus is an important part of your research and assists in understanding whether Northholm Grammar is the right school for you and your child. For that reason, we offer a number of options for families to visit our school. Open Days and weekly weekday tours will allow you to explore Northholm’s facilities and experience the many opportunities we offer our students.

We are currently enrolling for 2026 and 2027 entry across all year groups subject to vacancies. Note that Kindergarten and Year 7 places are filling fast. Applications for 2027 and beyond are welcome.

Enrolment process

  1. We invite you to experience all that Northholm has to offer at one of our Open Day or School Tours events. This are not a requirement before proceeding to Step 2 and you are welcome to complete an Application Form prior to visiting our school to secure your place on the waitlist sooner.
  2. Complete an Application Form* (one per student), uploading all the required documentation. An application fee of $110 applies to the first child and $90 for siblings thereafter. Following the application submission, your child will be placed on the waitlist.
  3. All applications are reviewed up to 18 months prior to the calendar year of entry.  Applications are reviewed by application date order and students that meet the selection criteria may be invited to attend an interview with the School. The selection criteria includes, but is not limited to, a student’s effort and commitment to learning, their behaviour profile and involvement in school life.
  4. A place may be offered post interview and an Offer of Enrolment will be confirmed in writing (via email).
  5. Families wishing to accept the place are required to sign the Acceptance of Offer form and pay a non-refundable acceptance fee of $2,500 (per student).
  6. Prior to commencement, the School will allocate your child to a House and Pastoral Group and provide you with details regarding school uniforms, textbooks, transport information and more.

*Please note: Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please ensure all requested information and reports are contained within your child’s Application to avoid delays in the application process.

Priority placement

Priority is allocated to students who will benefit most from a Northholm education as per the selection criteria. Siblings of current or past students, and children of alumni, are allocated higher positions on the waitlist. Other positions are determined by the date and time of the initial application.

Northholm has a limited number of scholarships available for exceptional students entering Year 5, Year 7 and Year 11. Read more about our scholarship offerings by following the link below.