Our vision and values

From our earliest origins, Northholm Grammar School’s vision was to be one of a caring school which would foster the worth of the individual, encourage academic and sporting excellence and promote Christian values.

Our shared vision and values are defined by our strategic pillars which are Learning through Scholarship, Caring for Others and Self, Living a Faithful Life and Contributing to the Community.

Our graduates

Our vision is to develop graduates who are well-prepared for the next stage of their lives through a whole education which has been based on:

Learning through Scholarship: Determined, disciplined and resilient critical thinkers and problem-solvers who are equipped with a detailed knowledge of their chosen field.

Caring for Others and Self: Authentic, interested and respectful team members who are imbued with a deep understanding and respect for the needs of others.

Living a Faithful Life: Confident, courageous and well-mannered people of integrity who are formed through inclusive, humble and sincere Christian principles.

Contributing to the Community: Charitable, generous and selfless citizens who contribute and lead sincerely outside of their immediate sphere.

Our School values

Learning through Scholarship: We are a school that challenges each student scholastically by encouraging high academic standards and intellectual rigour, providing inspiring teaching committed to personalised learning, and designing and implementing our curriculum purposefully.

Caring for Others and Self: We are a school that goes out of its way to support, coach and fulfil the potential of each student through strong pastoral care that is characterised by our attentiveness to individual growth, social and emotional development, and wellbeing.

Living a Faithful Life: We are a school that develops the character of each student through inclusive Christian values that are enacted through Chapel Services, chaplaincy and educational programs.

Contributing to the Community: Represented by our motto, Be Traist (Be True), we are a school that promotes in each student a sense of belonging and service to the community through our opportunities for representation, leadership and community engagement.

Strategic Plan

Read more about our ongoing journey and the steps we are taking to achieve our goals in the Strategic Plan 2024-2026: The Northholm Experience.