Strategic Vision

Northholm Grammar is committed to planning for the future and aligning school operations to a clear strategic goal. Through a process of review and consultation in 2019/2020, the School seeks to reimagine and renew our desired education vision.

Integral to this strategic focus and forward planning, is the School’s Strategic Intent which provides the core pillars and foundation for the development of our new Strategic Plan including Our School, Our Graduates, Our Strategy and Our Strategic Projects.

Our distinctive educational framework is built on:

Learning through Scholarship

Represented by the open book, we are a school that challenges each student scholastically by encouraging high academic standards and intellectual rigour, providing inspiring teaching committed to personalised learning, and designing and implementing our curriculum purposefully.

Caring for Others and Self

Represented by the rod and staff of the shepherd, we are a school that goes out of its way to support, coach, and fulfil the potential of each student through strong pastoral care that is characterised by our attentiveness to individual growth, social and emotional development, and wellbeing.

Living a Faithful Life

Represented by the compass of the cross, we are a school that develops the character of each student through inclusive Christian values that are enacted through chapel services, chaplaincy, and educational programs.

Contributing to the Community

Represented by our motto: Be Traist (Be True), we are a school that promotes in each student a strong sense of belonging and service to the community through our opportunities for representation, leadership, and community engagement.

The Strategic Plan presents a strong vision for our future, based on a clear understanding of our community’s needs and expectations, and outline the steps, systems and operations that will support the realisation of this vision.