Secondary Years (Years 7 to 10)

Northholm Grammar’s Secondary Years Academic Program emphasises the development of the whole student, both in the classroom and in the wider world. Students are encouraged to take personal responsibility for their learning in a culture of high expectation and excellence that celebrates striving for, and achieving, your personal best.

Throughout their Secondary Years, students participate in activities that enrich their learning experience. They work in partnership with their teachers to develop a disciplined and strategic approach to study and are well supported in the development of their capacity to think critically about key issues in order to find creative solutions.

Students in Years 7 to 10 undertake outdoor education in the form of camps to challenge them, build self-esteem and foster cooperation and teamwork. All Year 10 students participate in Work Experience, with programs and opportunities available across a range of career interests.

Year 7

Northholm students continuing their learning journey from Primary Years bring established routines, long-term relationships with peers and staff and core capabilities into Secondary Years. Our Year 7 Program bridges the conventional divide between Primary and Secondary by responding to the developmental needs of young adolescents.

All subjects are taught by highly qualified specialist teachers. Subjects include English, History, Science, Geography, Mathematics, PDHPE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education), Creative and Performing Arts (Visual Arts, Music and Drama), Technology which includes Coding, Agriculture Technology, Design and Technology, Food Technology and Faith and Life.

Years 8 to 10

Years 8 to 10 at Northholm supports the deepening of knowledge and learning skills, focusing on the capabilities that young people need to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens. During these stages, students are encouraged to find purpose, serve others and are instilled with the determination and character to succeed.

Year 8 students continue the same academic program as Year 7, with the addition of French. All classes are undertaken with specialised teachers in fit-for purpose classrooms. In addition to the core subjects, student moving into Year 9 are able to select from a broad range of elective subjects which satisfy their talents, interests and passions. Elective subject selections for Year 9 and Year 10 include Agriculture, Commerce, Design and Technology, Drama, Languages, Music, Visual Arts and Physical Activity and Sports (PASS).

Enterprise and entrepreneurship

At Northholm, we want our students to have the ability to be innovative and creative, to take risks and to manage them and to have a ‘can-do’ attitude that will drive change and innovation. Enterprise education is pivotal in providing a holistic and broad experience for our students in preparing them with the skills and confidence to enter an ever-changing work environment.

Our Enterprise Education Program for Years 9 and 10 imparts in students the importance of managing their own finances, an appreciation of the modern business context and leadership and management skills. It includes modules focused on financial literacy, communication and leadership skills, career and personal development, business management and work experience.


All Years 7 to 12 students are required to bring their own device. Information and communication technologies, and the responsible use of, are an integral part of Northholm’s programs. The use of devices within the classroom is at the discretion of each teacher. Northholm Grammar firmly believes that the integration of new technologies implies the opportunity for personal creativity, the ability to match curriculum to individual learning needs and puts the pace of learning within the individual’s control. Outside the classroom, the use of electronic devices is not permitted.

Learn about the next stage of the students’ journey in the Senior Secondary Years at the button below: