Primary Years

A Northholm education in the Primary Years seeks to develop the whole student by nurturing both scholarship and wellbeing of each individual. Children are encouraged to explore and expand the limits of their abilities in real world contexts. Real relationships are built and personalised learning is formed in an environment that supports, develops and extends each learner. The Key Learning Areas, including the fundamental focus on Literacy and Numeracy development, forms the foundation of learning within the Primary Years. Northholm seeks to build capacity for students to be 21st century learners who are independent, critical and curious about the world around them and challenges each individual to be the best version of themselves.

In the Primary Years, the classroom teacher is responsible for the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, and Human Society and Its Environment. They are supported by specialist teachers in other subjects including Sports, Art, Music, Drama, Learning Support and Enrichment programs.

Northholm’s Co-Curricular Program seeks to broaden and enhance student learning through scholarship as well as helping students find the areas of personal passion and talent. In collaboration with the Secondary students, co-curricular opportunities are maximised to provide students with popular and engaging activities as well as academic enrichment opportunities across a broad range of areas such as dance, cooking, pottery, debating, STEM and robotics projects, Drama production and various sporting activities taught by specialist coaches.

The opportunities for personalised and purposeful learning are endless with Northholm’s culture of leadership, excellence and care for one another.


Outdoor learning in the natural bushland grounds is optimised throughout the School as students engage with animals, bushland sporting facilities, various outdoor play areas and learning amongst nature. A sensory garden promotes sensory development in younger learners and greater awareness of the natural world.

Each classroom is equipped with interactive whiteboards and access to technology to support learning. Students have access to Design and Technology equipment, science laboratories, agricultural areas and sporting facilities to utilise skills learnt within the classroom in other engaging learning environments.

After School Care is available for Kindergarten to Year 6 students.